EIL has undertaken several under water surveys for various Oil & Gas companies on off-shore platforms and other off-shore structures.
EIL has undertaken several under water surveys for various Oil & Gas companies on off-shore platforms and other off-shore structures.
▸ Identify Signs of damage
▸ Missing members
▸ Failure Joints
▸ Loose or Missing appurtenants
▸ Other Deteriorations
▸ Centre and Boom Cameras
▸ SIT Camera
▸ Low Light Camera
▸ Dual Head Scanning Sonar (DHSS)
▸ Contact CP Probe
▸ Wheeled undercarriage
▸ Multi function manipulator
▸ USBL tracking beacon
▸ Obstacle avoidance sonar (OAS)
▸ To detect the Anode deterioration
▸ To detect the missing anodes
▸ To detect low Cathodic Potential
▸ Inactive Anode - Completely covered by marine growth and/or no visible evidence of galvanic activity
▸ Silver / Silver Chloride reference Electrodes of twin element construction which facilitates on-line calibration
/ verification
▸ Silver / Silver Chloride reference Electrodes with shock absorbing mount, Underwater mate able-type electrical
connectors for ROV assisted surveys
▸ Digital Volt Ohm Meters with high input impedance
Inspection of pre¬selected areas which is cleaned of marine growth to permit thorough inspection to detect
▸ Visual Defects
▸ Defects in Welds
▸ Potential signs of damage or distress
▸ Impact damage, fatigue cracks, and other obvious deteriorations
▸ Cleaning system - HP jetting, or slurry
▸ Digital video both color and black and white with audio overlay
▸ CP probe
▸ FMD system
▸ Grinder
▸ Hammer, centre punch, measuring tape, articulated tape, magnets, indents, ruler, pain stick, pit gauge & profile gauge
▸ To monitor the welded joints units which are critical to the integrity of structures and
known to be defective to ensure that defects have not extended. Performed using MPI / ACFM
▸ To determine the soundness of welding joints found at the end of significantly damages members
▸ AC articulating electromagnets (Parket U/W yoke or equivalent)
▸ Ground fault interrupters
▸ Magnetic field indicators (Magnaflux, Detek, API or equivalent)
▸ Mi-Glow (or equivalent) and delivery system
▸ To determine the suspected excessive corrosion of structural members that occurred during the
period when the CP system was out of compliance.
▸ To determine the corrosion of the structural members or appurtenances through the splash zone.
▸ Digital Thickness meters
▸ Transducers
▸ Grinders for surface preparation
▸ To identify the location and characterize the damage
▸ To gather data to evaluate the significance of damage
▸ To locate and fully characterize the damage
▸ To detect the marine growth above the MSL and below the MSL till the Sea Bed
▸ To detect and remove the metallic & hazardous debris in contact with the structure.
▸ Global scour
▸ Local scour
▸ Loose or missing bolts at clamp attachment.
▸ Fatigue cracks at appurtenance guides/support welded connection.
▸ Loose or missing appurtenance.
▸ Potential signs of damage or distress such as impact damage, overstressed, and other deterioration
▸ To determine whether platform underwater members are "flooded," "partially flooded," or "dry" and the result of survey to establish the causes of through – wall fatigue cracking in welded joints or attachments prone to such damage